This fall, approximately 2 million students will walk into a college dormitory for the first time, embarking on an exciting new adventure. While there is much to anticipate, young adults are also likely to be feeling more than a little anxious at the prospect of living away from home for the first time. You can cooperate in making the transition easier by helping your student to add homey touches to their dorm room decor that are both familiar and set a comfortable tone.
Did You Know? For every hour in class each week, most college students spend 3 hours studying. This means with a normal course load, studying equals a full-time job! We think this is a great reason to send them periodic care packages – after all, every college student needs snacks to get them through all-night study sessions. We can help – check out these delicious collections! 
You’ve seen us extol the virtues of green plants before, but the praise bears repeating – especially for dorm room decor! Green plants not only make any space feel more comfortable and familiar, but they help to clean and purify the air. Why is this important? A detoxified environment will result in increased focus and productivity. Not to mention, studies prove that when green plants are present, people are more relaxed and feel less stress.
We have plants in compact cubes, decorative vases, and dish gardens. You can choose from our lush green varieties, or select blooming plant, exotics, or orchids. You selection should depend on your student’s personality and living space. We love the color and unique aesthetic of the Vresia bromeliad plant, shown below, for the student who likes to make a bold statement in their decor.
Don’t Forget! Send a birthday bouquet or gift to surprise your student if they are away from home on their special day.
Student dorm room decor need not be academic and boring – add a little life with a beautiful gift from Griffin’s Floral Design. Whether they stay in the Columbus area or not, we’ve got the gifts that will make them feel right at home.