Supporting Your Local Columbus Business Community Is Vital, as well as, your responsibility.
Local Means…”Supporting Local Community”
So you live in Belle Ville Michigan, Sarasota Florida, or Chicago, Illinois and you need an oil change. Are you going to drive to Detroit, Elmhurst, or Bradenton for that $25 oil change? Of course not, they are too far away; you will find your local guy/gal to complete the job for you. The same would hold true with your dry cleaning, dentistry, family physician, hairdresser, and other similar purchases. So why wouldn’t/shouldn’t it hold true for your floral purchases, your florist is part of that same community and often lives and supports those same businesses in your community. Supporting the local community keeps the funds in the community, it allows others to earn the income to turn around and continue purchasing from such local businesses. It’s what keeps the ball rolling. You wouldn’t hire someone you don’t know to style Aunt Betty’s hair for her memorial service, as that is a very important moment for the family. In other words, a local florist will care more about your order hands down than any wire service, call center, or direct ship company. They live in that community and are forced to face others in the community; your local florist has more to lose than all the rest combined. All, local florists understand the importance of supporting the local community and giving back to the local community as they have been so greatly affected by the lack of local support as a result of “convenience” due to the internet. Keep your money Local, Support Local so they are able to as well.
Please post your questions, concerns, comments, or articles you would like to see. We promise to respond. As always, thank you for supporting your local Central Ohio florist.
Russ Griffin